Friday, August 31, 2012

..You're even God at the Waffle House...

So, you know that feeling you get when you feel like a storm is coming... You see the clouds, you hear the thunder, you can even smell it coming..all your senses just know there is trouble on the horizon. You hope it passes but you prepare for it nonetheless. You get the candles out, find the matches, unplug your treasured computer and TV's...and alas, you try to remain calm for your kids. As you see the storm approaching, you try to go about life as normal but you keep looking out the window..waiting. Then you pray. Praying for preparation, for guidance, for safety, for provision, for peace.  Well, our family has hit a time when we see the storm clouds gathering in a metaphorical sense.  It's still sunny but still we can see it possibly coming our way. I know its nothing my Heavenly Father can't handle but I am for the first time in my life without a resource other than God to handle things. He is working thru this in my heart. So many times in the past I have taken control of "life" and found solutions to get myself thru things. I did this before I was married and still do so to this day...ya know.."I'll get another job".."I'll call someone to see if they can fix this or that?" "I will do this", "I will do that".  Well, this is a season where I am doing all I can.. which is nothing. I get to sit back, pray and wait to see the miraculous. To see God  work out my life for good. To see his plans for me...Jer. 29.:11
I know this is all quite simple but I just thank God he is God all the time and nothing surprises Him and he had reminded me of this today over and over as I have started to fret.
So, as when you see a physical storm brewing, you try to go about your normal routine. So, tonight some ladies from church are going for a fun late night run to the Waffle House. That's just what those late night workers at the Waffle House need...a bunch of mouthy women coming in at 11pm to eat waffles and mouth it up. Someone should warn them. But anyway, I have been tempted to not go because I haven't been in the best mood and quite honestly, we need to save money. But its a treat and I really want to be with my friends. As I have thought trough this today, I remembered this waffle house song and looked it up. Quite simple, "It's amazing to me, you're even God at the waffle house"  Thankful to know that no matter if I stay home and fret or continue on my normal routine, the storm will still rage and may still come our way but GOD IS STILL GOD...even while I am at the Waffle House and he can handle it all and still give me peace and grace to trust.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sweet Farrah!
    You are such a blessing. We are in the quagmire right now, and I am so far in, that I can't see what is coming, but I am in one of those mental and spiritual places that I know I don't have to be in control. This place is so difficult for a strong woman to surrender to, as you said. We always want to take care of "it", or find someone to take care of "it", or throw it out and start all over. Letting GO and letting God is a milestone every Christian must approach, and to be faithful, must meet.
    I would like to share this with you, knowing that if it doesn't help now, maybe it will in the future. I have to give complete control of this new stage to God. First of all, because I can't handle it, it is ALL too much. Second of all, because I don't want to be in control, God is so much better at being in charge. Thirdly, because sometimes God wants to use some of His other children to bless those in dark, scary, seemingly "uncontrolled" places. We do not want to rob anyone, whether we know them or not, of a blessing from our Heavenly Father. How RUDE! :)
    Know that I love you, am praying for you, for what is ahead, scary or not. And that old hymn comes to mind, "No, never alone, no, never alone. He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone. There are hundreds of scripture passages I could quote or guide you to, but I know you have them in your heart so I will close with this. You are loved with an everlasting love., even at the Waffle House! <3
