In the words of Justin Bieber.."never say never". I said I wouldn't do it. But I did. I am blogging. You got it. I have always thought blogs to be a little.."hey, look at me" ish. Like you are posting things that of course the whole world would want to read. (sarcasm toned) Maybe even a little arrogant but ya know. Today, peer pressure took over. All my friends are doing it so why shouldn't I. Besides, I have found that I have too much to say to just be quiet. Too much fun stuff happens around here not to share.
So with that I would like to leave you with a short story of how my day began. If yousaw it on facebook, this is the more detailed version. Sorry to share twice. I know it's not the most amazing story but since it happened the same day I decided to start blogging, well, you have to suffer through. See what I mean. Blogs are very self centered.
Anyhoo...Ryan left for work after taking our car to the shop to have the air fixed. I went to pee and take a shower. Turned the water on. Disrobed. And was peeing when of course my Eva had to do the same. I can never do anything in the bathroom w/out and audience. So, as she was needing to be "cleansed", the phone rings and it is Ryan of course. I thought.."does he really need to call me to tell me he loves me AGAIN?" I know. I know. we are so lovey dovey. HA. Well, he had cranked his truck when low and behold there was a fat cat in the engine and it shreaked and hair went flying everywhere. Can I say again, I detest and despise these little Rats people call pets and this hatred was fueled today. Well, hair starts
flying out from under the truck and Ryan in the spirit of a true animal
activist says "well, he's dead..let's go to work" and then tries to put
the truck in drive and it's a no go. Some belts have come unhooked or
something so...we had to call the dealership and get him another shuttle back to work and he had to really suffer thru eating out for lunch and a friend is coming over to help me get him home tonight. So, it has all worked out. And though now the truck is broken, we can praise the Lord that the cat didn't live. That is the silver lining. Just kidding. I don't know if he died or not. He was able to walk to the bushes and we lost track from there. I do feel sorry for the poor delusional child that has him as pet somewhere and looked for him all day. I blame his parents. They should have never given him such a dumb animal as a pet. ha.
Anyhoo..on a brighter note. My kids have been especially cuddly and sweet and helpful today. I am blessed beyond measure to have them, my husband and to be surrounded by friends willing to help us! With that. I leave you with a pic of what is left of Satan the cat.
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