So, there's a lot going on in our little 1 bedroom apartment with a den (as described by our apartment complex). Just wanted to give a quick update and also to ask for some prayer for our family. We are at a crossroads and there's just a lot going on.
UPDATE ON SAM: About 6 weeks ago, Sam went in for his 18 month check up and the doctors noticed his head had taken a major growth spurt and that he was not talking. So, in a pure attempt to be precautious, the doctors sent Sam to get an MRI to see if the two "issues" were related. The MRI came back showing that Sam has Chiari Malformation. Basically, his brain is growing down into his spinal canal. The base of the scull is too small to contain the brain. I need a bumper sticker..."too much brain to contain". Hence the title of the blog. This is unrelated to his head size..that's just genetic and his body should catch up! So, as of now, we have an appointment to see the Pediatric Neurosurgeon at Duke in Durham to see if it's time to have brain surgery to correct this. The condition is not life threatening right now but it is also correctable. The good thing is that Sam is in the early stages of this. It's also hard to determine if Sam is having pain or symptoms from this. Since he is not talking (which may or may not be related) he can't tell us if he is having headaches, or why he is so cranky when he wakes up EVERY DAY. It could be the malformation or it could be just being a 20 month old boy...just saying.!
I have been wanting to update the blog about Sam but didn't want to do so until we were close to getting some answers because quite frankly, I got tired of talking about it. We are however, going for his appointment in a couple of days so I wanted to update and ask for prayer for wisdom and for protection for our little one. Being the internet doctor that I am...I don't think we will have to have surgery at this point. Typically, surgery is done when symptoms are disruptive or prohibit growth and I personally don't think they can determine at this point if he is having enough symptoms to warrant surgery...but again, I am not a REAL doctor. I just play one on the internet. So, I am just going to wait and see what ole' faithful Duke has to say on Thursday.
UPDATE ON EVA: Eva has started back to PRE-K and loves it. She has great teachers and I love hearing about her day every day when she gets out of class. Most of you know we have battled anxiety with her for about a year now. I am pleased to report that we have not had any episodes lately. She is doing really great. Right now, she is playing soccer with the Y and loves loves loves it! She thinks she is the best player on her team...and...of course she is ;)...I am proud of her for jumping in there when she's nervous and trying when things get tough. We forget how hard it is to grow up. It's tough when the world is so big and new and you have the personality that you need to know what to expect and don't. So, kudos to my baby girl. You are doing an insanely good job at being a kid! You own it!
UPDATE ON THE REST OF US: At the end of September, Ryan was laid off from his job so we are in the boat of looking for employment for him. We have some up coming tough decisions to make with jobs, living, health, etc.. and would really covet your prayers for that as well. I am still working three jobs but I love it all. I am still doing the early morning shift a the Y and working at Eva's preschool and I have the pleasure of babysitting an adorable 2 yr old girl two days a week. My kids love it and so do I. The Lord has answered our prayer that we be the ones to raise our kids and shepherd their hearts and I praise Him for that. I know God has great plans for our family. We are beyond blessed and I can see God's hand moving in our hearts and lives. Doesn't mean it's easy though when you go through stuff!
So, that's about it. I will update more as we get news on jobs, brain surgery...etc. Thanks for reading!!!
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